



Test One

假设你是林华,近期要去美国。 请以林华的名义 Linhua1234@qq.com 写封邮件给 CIUBeijing@state.gov 询问是否需要办理签证。 请在邮件正文包含如下信息: 林华,23岁,居住地址是江西省九江市十里大道1188号,中国国籍, 今年 9 月 10 日作为交换生(exchange student)将前往美国纽约参观并在纽约大学停留一个月学习美国文化(culture)。

To: _______________________________
From: _______________________________
Subject: _______________________________
Dear Sir or Madam,

Looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes,

Lin Hua


To: CIUBeijing@state.gov
From: Linhua1234@qq.com
Subject: Asking if a visa is needed

Dear Sir or Madam,

  I’m writing to ask if a visa is needed if I plan to go to the U.S this September. My name is Lin Hua. I am 23 years old, Chinese and my address in China is No.1188, Shili Road, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. The reason I want to visit the US is I will be invited to visit New York University for a month and learn American culture in New York University as an exchange student. I want to go to the US on the tenth of September. Please let me know whether I need to have a visa or not.

  Looking forward to your reply.

  Best wishes,

Lin Hua

Test Two

要求:请你以贝蒂的身份给你的好朋友琳达写一封关于去北京旅游的邮件,讲述你居住之地,所到之地以及旅游感受。 字数控制在80-100之间。


Hi, Linda,

  Last summer my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at Huabei Hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall which is the longest wall in the world. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We’re very proud of it.

  The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, Tian Tan, North Lake and Xiang Hill. I now know more about the history of China. We ate delicious Beijing Duck. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing. We’re tired but excited. I’ll never forget the days in Beijing. Hope to hear from you soon.


Test Three

假设你是 Mike, 请根据以下要点给 John 写一封取消约会的书信:

  1. 下周六不能去参加生日聚会,表示歉意。
  2. 解释原因:姐姐结婚。
  3. 建议另约时间在下周三或下周四,并为失约表达歉意。


Dear John,

  I’m sorry that I can’t come to your birthday party next Saturday as my sister is getting married. I hope you have a great time. Perhaps we can meet next week, maybe on Wednesday or Thursday. Let me know.

All the best,


Test Four

假设你有一台 iPad 希望在某二手平台上出售,请根据以下信息写一份关于 iPad 的广告。


  1. 基本信息:iPad2(16G),黑色,几乎是新的,希望 850 人民币出售。
  2. 详细信息:
    • 仅使用了 5 个月,然后一个朋友送了一个 iPad Air,因此想卖掉这个。
    • 保存的很好,一点划痕也没有。
    • 只接受本地交易。


Basic information:

  • iPad2(16G),black
  • Practically new
  • Sell for ¥850 RMB

Detailed information:

Used for only 5 months. Then a friend gave me an iPad Air as a gift. So I want to sell this one. Very well preserved, no scratches at all. Only accept local transaction.

Test Five

假设你是李明,得知你的好友赵先生最近在公司获得了晋升,请给他写一封祝贺信。写信时间:12 月 3 日。


December 3rd

Dear Mr. Zhao,

  I am extremely glad to hear that you have got a promotion in your company. Congratulations!

  As we all know, you are always a creative person and work very hard. Moreover, your strong sense of responsibility enables you to win trust from people around you. I think that is why you can succeed.

  As your best friend, I really feel very proud of you. Congratulations again and best wishes.

Yours faithfully,
Li Ming

Test Six

ABC 公司为庆祝公司创立三十周年,定于 12 月 29 日晚上7点在假日酒店举行庆祝晚宴。 请你以公司总经理 Tom 的名义给张伟先生写一封邀请信,邀请他出席庆祝晚宴,感谢他多年来的支持和合作。


  • 三十周年 30th anniversary
  • 晚宴 dinner party
  • 假日酒店 Holiday Inn


Dec. 29th

Dear Mr. Zhang Wei,

  I’m writing to invite you to attend a dinner party to celebrate our company’s 30th anniversary.

  We have maintained the business relationship for a long time. And thank you for your support and cooperation for so many years. So we sincerely invite you to come. The party will be hold in the Holiday Inn at 7 p.m. on Dec. 29th.

  I am looking forward to your coming. Best Wishes!

Yours sincerely,
ABC Corporation

Test Seven

假如你是 Linda,请根据以下要点给 Mary 写一封私人信件:

  • 日期:10月10日
  • 内容:
    1. 祝贺她通过考试。
    2. 上星期偶遇 Monica, 对方邀请你去参加她学校下星期五举办的聚会,你邀请 Mary 一同前往。


Oct. 10th

Dear Mary,

  How are you doing these days? I’m so glad to hear you have passed the exams. Congratulations!

  Last week I ran across Monica in the street, she invites me to go to her school party next Friday, so why not join us?


Test Eight

假如你是李明,收到 Joe 询问怎么在你母校健身的电邮。 请根据以下要点给 Joe 回一封关于如何健身的电子邮件。

  1. 建议 Joe 每天下午在学校足球场跑步,并参加足球队,因为你曾经是校足球队的队长,可以帮你介绍。
  2. 建议 Joe 可以在学校游泳池游泳,价钱非常实惠。

To: Joe Maxwell joe.maxwell@texnet.com
Subject: Suggestion about fitness

Hi, Joe,



To: Joe Maxwell joe.maxwell@texnet.com
Subject: Suggestion about fitness

Hi, Joe,

  I’ve had a good think about the places for you to train and here are a few idea. You can try to join in the school football team if you’d like. Since I once was the captain when I was there, I can do the contact for you and introduce you to the present captain. Besides, you should be able to train for swimming at the swimming pool where is well-equipped and cheap in price.

  Hope my suggestions are helpful for you. Look forward to your reply.

Li Ming

Test Nine


  • 内容:本周六将举行一次能力测试,所有正式员工都必须参加考试,这次考试成绩将会作为该员工获得晋升的一个参考。
  • 考试时间:6 月 25 日,周六,上午 9:00—11:00
  • 考试地点:1 号会议室


  • 能力测试 Proficiency Test
  • 考试地点 Venue
  • 参考标准 a factor for reference
  • 正式员工 regular staff



Administrative Office
June 20th



  You are notified that a proficiency test will be held on Saturday, June 25th, at the No.1 meeting office. All regular staff has to take part in this test. The performance of this test will act as a factor for reference when promotion is concerned.

  Time of Test: 9:00—11:00

  Venue of Test: No. 1 Meeting Room

  If you have any doubt, please feel free to contact the Administrative Office.

Administrative Office
June 20th

Test Ten

说明:假定你是秘书 Linda,请按下列内容填写给经理 John Brown 的电话留言。

  1. 来电人:APP 公司 Mr. Peter Margin
  2. 来电时间:12 月 13 日上午 10:30
  3. 来电内容:
    • Mr. Peter Margin 希望在本周五上午 9:30 能见到您,讨论双方合作事宜,您是否有空?
    • 希望您收到留言后尽早回电给他。

Date: _______________________________
Time: _______________________________
From: _______________________________
To: _______________________________

Message: _______________________________________________________________________________



Date: December 13th
Time: 10:30 a.m.
From: Mr. Peter Margin in APP Company
To: Manager John Brown
Message: Mr. Peter Margin hopes to see you at 9:30 a. m. this Friday and talk about the details of the cooperation between our two parties. Do you have time at that time? Please call him back as soon as possible after reading this message.
