


期末试卷第二大题为单项选择题,共 20 分。

本题库共有选择题 90 题,期末试卷随机抽取其中 20 题。


  1. — Where are you from?
    — I am from Nanchang, the capital city of Jiangxi.

    • A. am coming
    • B. am come from
    • C. am from
  2. There is a level crossing without gates ahead.

    • A. are
    • B. being
    • C. is
  3. I’ve got a job, so I have been so busy these days.

    • A. a work
    • B. a job
    • C. works
  4. — Can I get you some picture-books?
    That’s very nice of you.

    • A. That’s very nice of you
    • B. With pleasure
    • C. You can, please
  5. — What are we going to do?
    — We are going to learn Lesson Eight.

    • A. Lesson Eight
    • B. Lesson Eighth
    • C. Eighth Lesson
  6. What do you do when you meet somebody for the first time?

    • A. did
    • B. does
    • C. do
  7. Go straight down Station Road past the cinema, there is a traffic light.

    • A. past
    • B. passed
    • C. passing
  8. I have an appointment with Ms John on Thursday.

    • A. at
    • B. in
    • C. on
  9. — Would you like something to drink?
    Tea, please.

    • A. Yes, I would
    • B. No, I wouldn’t
    • C. Tea, please
  10. A firm handshake with the whole hand is always better than a limp handshake with just the fingers.

    • A. well
    • B. good
    • C. better
  11. Professor Wang spoke very highly of her.

    • A. highly
    • B. tall
    • C. big
  12. The young girl didn’t feel nervous at all because the interview was very informal.

    • A. format
    • B. formally
    • C. informal
  13. The boys played games in the afternoon instead of doing their homework.

    • A. doing their homework
    • B. to do their homework
    • C. having doing their homework
  14. Two-thirds of the rivers here have been polluted.

    • A. Two-third
    • B. Two-thirds
    • C. Two-three
  15. Excuse me. I am looking for a post office. Can you help me, please?

    • A. am looking for
    • B. is looking for
    • C. is look at
  16. Put on your coat, or you will catch a cold.

    • A. and
    • B. so
    • C. or
  17. English is not easy to learn. It takes us a long time to learn it well.  

    • A. takes
    • B. costs
    • C. spends
  18. There will be a school bus leaving at 6:00 P.M.

    • A. leaves
    • B. leaving
    • C. leave
  19. Light travels faster than sound.

    • A. traveling
    • B. travels
    • C. travel
  20. The man has had a bad cough recently, so he has to give up smoking.  

    • A. so
    • B. and
    • C. if
  21. The Williams lived in the city twenty years ago.

    • A. lived
    • B. lives
    • C. having lived
  22. Tickets cost 10foradultsand10 for adults and 5 for children, but there is no charge for children under the age of 6.  

    • A. money
    • B. much money
    • C. no charge
  23. A very wet Max went back to the station and this time he was very careful not to take the wrong way.

    • A. careless
    • B. careful
    • C. cared
  24. Tell your partner you don’t like blue. You would like the T-shirt in white.

    • A. at white
    • B. about white
    • C. in white
  25. An arrangement to see someone at an agreed time and place is appointment.  

    • A. appointment
    • B. arrangement
    • C. development
  26. Luckily for me that I’ve got the opportunity to go to university for further study.

    • A. Usually
    • B. Angrily
    • C. Luckily
  27. For thousands of years, people in different parts of the world have worn very different types of clothing.

    • A. thousand of
    • B. thousands
    • C. thousands of
  28. The mother see her son through at the railway station last Sunday.

    • A. see… through
    • B. see… off
    • C. saw… off
  29. Please looked up the new words in the dictionary.  

    • A. looked up
    • B. looked at
    • C. picked up
  30. 365 is three hundred and sixty-five.

    • A. three hundreds and sixty-five
    • B. three hundred and sixty-five
    • C. three and sixty-five
  31. Max looked at the map and realised that he had looked at it upside down.

    • A. upside down
    • B. correct
    • C. mistake
  32. Every college student should take a good way.

    • A. take a good way
    • B. take a wrong way
    • C. take the lead
  33. Deshi wants a beer. Please get it for her.

    • A. hopes
    • B. wants
    • C. wishes
  34. 0.33 is zero point three three.

    • A. zero point three three
    • B. three three
    • C. thirty-three
  35. Let me give you a piece of advice.

    • A. lump of
    • B. cup of
    • C. piece of
  36. Here are some new pairs of shoes.

    • A. pair of
    • B. pairs of
    • C. a pair of
  37. How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.

    • A. meeting
    • B. meets
    • C. meet
  38. 10,000 is ten thousand.

    • A. ten thousand
    • B. a thousand
    • C. ten hundred
  39. Excuse me, do you know where the youth hostel is?

    • A. which
    • B. where
    • C. why
  40. In Ling’s first Saturday, the Millers have a barbecue in their garden.

    • A. On
    • B. In
    • C. From
  41. It is better to choose a hobby which is not expensive.

    • A. right
    • B. useful
    • C. expensive
  42. Many people spend 40 hours a week at work or doing stuff for school.

    • A. cost
    • B. take
    • C. spend
  43. Most people have quite a lot of hobbies.

    • A. much
    • B. a lot of
    • C. a little
  44. Jogging does not even need any special equipment.

    • A. tool
    • B. equipment
    • C. matter
  45. There you could swim, relax, read and listen to the music.

    • A. relax
    • B. relaxed
    • C. be relaxed
  46. What’s your favourite hobby?

    • A. most
    • B. interested
    • C. favourite
  47. Tennis, football and swimming are all popular sports.  

    • A. special
    • B. popular
    • C. unpopular
  48. Those people don’t think of them as hobbies.  

    • A. for
    • B. as
    • C. with
  49. It is important for you choose a few hobbies that you can do at the same time like cooking and watching TV or listening to music.

    • A. that ; why
    • B. that ; that
    • C. for ; that
  50. These extreme sports can only be done if you are very fit.

    • A. do
    • B. be doing
    • C. be done
  51. These shoes are more comfortable than those.

    • A. those
    • B. those shoes
    • C. those one
  52. A: Which of these three books can I borrow?
    B: Any

    • A. Both
    • B. Either
    • C. Any
  53. If you don't want to get fat, eat less.

    • A. more
    • B. less
    • C. little
  54. Few people live to be 100 and even fewer live to be 110.

    • A. fewer
    • B. less
    • C. more
  55. Her new car goes faster than her old one.

    • A. car
    • B. one
    • C. ones
  56. Do you prefer these designs or those new ones.

    • A. designs
    • B. one
    • C. ones
  57. This last chapter is much longer than the preceding ones.

    • A. chapter
    • B. one
    • C. ones
  58. Last month I needed a new rice cooker. And I found one on Taobao for less than the same rice cooker in Hualian Department Store.

    • A. it
    • B. one
    • C. ones
  59. The chair isn’t comfortable; sit in the other.

    • A. this chairs
    • B. that chairs
    • C. the other
  60. He has a lot of books, but he wants many more.

    • A. lot
    • B. many more
    • C. many
  61. However, there are new dangers to health, and these are often more difficult to cure because they are not physical.

    • A. for
    • B. to
    • C. with
  62. This health hazard is caused by trying to do too much in too little time.

    • A. due
    • B. because
    • C. caused
  63. Many people feel that they are never in control of their lives.

    • A. in control of
    • B. in the control of
    • C. in control
  64. They never find the time to stop for breath.

    • A. breathe
    • B. breath
    • C. building
  65. Adrenal fatigue means you can’t cope with stress.

    • A. cope with
    • B. cope to
    • C. cope for
  66. They eat "TV snacks" and do not do enough physical exercise.

    • A. enough spiritual exercise
    • B. physical exercise enough
    • C. enough physical exercise
  67. Computer games can be so addictive that some people do almost nothing else.

    • A. too
    • B. enough
    • C. so
  68. More and more people are being affected by the "electrosmog" that is all around us today.

    • A. be affected
    • B. being affected
    • C. affecting
  69. Doctors say that watching television for more than two hours per day can lead to learning difficulties and a loss of concentration.

    • A. lead to
    • B. lead
    • C. led to
  70. The second health hazard is connected to the first one.

    • A. relative
    • B. connected
    • C. controlled
  71. What is the difference between "entertainment" and "hobbies"?

    • A. on
    • B. among
    • C. between
  72. Supermarket mangers are good at making people buy more.

    • A. in
    • B. at
    • C. of
  73. He has a lot of children to look after.

    • A. at
    • B. for
    • C. after
  74. A bad hotel also makes for a terrible holiday.

    • A. makes up
    • B. makes for
    • C. makes in
  75. I’ve got the book you told me after.

    • A. of
    • B. for
    • C. after
  76. Why must Janice bring back something for the neighbors?

    • A. bring to
    • B. bring up
    • C. bring back
  77. John has an appointment with the dentist at 4 o’clock.

    • A. with; at
    • B. for; at
    • C. to; at
  78. When I was young I always wanted a brother or sister to play with.

    • A. by
    • B. to
    • C. with
  79. Since the mid-1990s, online sales have been increasing by over 25% per year.

    • A. by
    • B. to
    • C. for
  80. Everywhere with even a small attraction will be full of tourists during the national holiday.

    • A. with; at
    • B. of; during
    • C. of; at
  81. Taoism first originated in China.

    • A. Buddhism
    • B. Taoism
    • C. Islamism
  82. The Yellow River is the fifth longest river in the world and the second longest river in China.

    • A. third
    • B. forth
    • C. fifth
  83. The Four Great Inventions in ancient China are gunpowder, paper making, printing and the compass.

    • A. silk
    • B. compass
    • C. china
  84. During the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian, an outstanding diplomat, travelled around central Asia and connected China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean.

    • A. Western Han Dynasty
    • B. Eastern Han Dynasty
    • C. Ming Dynasty
  85. Praised as "Oriental Opera", Beijing Opera is a genuine national quintessence of China.

    • A. Qunqu
    • B. Beijing Opera
    • C. Sichuan Opera
  86. The is the highest judicial organ in China.

    • A. Supreme people’s Court
    • B. National People’s Court
    • C. Highest People’s Court
  87. The National Anthem of China is the March of the Volunteers.

    • A. Land of Freedom
    • B. March of the Volunteers
    • C. A Hymn to My Country
  88. The original aspiration and the mission of Chinese Communists is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.

    • A. happiness, rejuvenation
    • B. luck, development
    • C. health, promotion
  89. China has a land of more than 9.6 million square kilometers.

    • A. 96 million
    • B. 9.6 billion
    • C. 9.6 million
  90. China has a population of more than 1.4 billion people.

    • A. 14 billion
    • B. 1.4 billion
    • C. 1.4 million


01-05 CCBAA     06-10 CACCC     11-15 ACABA     16-20 CABBA
21-25 ACBCA 26-30 CCCAB 31-35 AABAC 36-40 BCABA
41-45 CCBBA 46-50 CBBBC 51-55 ACBAB 56-60 CCBCB
61-65 BCABA 66-70 CCBAB 71-75 CBCBA 76-80 CACAB
81-85 BCBAB 86-90 ABACB

其中 A 选项 28 个;B 选项 30 个;C 选项 32 个; ——遇事不决就选 C