

第 1 部分总题数:10

  1. 【单选题】 (2分) 一般情况下,我们在陈述一件事情的时会用到(D
  • A.升降调
  • B.升调
  • C.降升调
  • D.降调
  1. 【单选题】 (2分) “名片”的最佳英文表述是(A
  • A.Business Card
  • B.Visiting Card
  • C.Calling Card
  • D.ID Card
  1. 【单选题】 (2分) 下列哪个单词是“人脉”的英文表述?(D
  • A.Acquaintance
  • B.Friends
  • C.People
  • D.connection
  1. 【单选题】 (2分) 下列选项中连读符号使用正确的是(D
  • A.May ⌒I
  • B.Go⌒ahead
  • C.Come⌒back
  • D.Far⌒away
  1. 【单选题】 (2分) “我想办理入住手续”的英文正确表述是(D
  • A.I’d like to check out.
  • B.I want to live the hotel.
  • C.I want to sleep in a room.
  • D.I‘d like to check in.
  1. 【单选题】 (2分) I don’t mean (C) discourage you, but do you know that most new business fail?
  • A.in
  • B.To
  • C.to
  • D.at
  1. 【单选题】 (2分) On formal occasions, how many colors of all your clothes should be?(B
  • A.no more than five
  • B.no more than three
  • C.no more than two
  • D.no more than four
  1. 【多选题】 (2分) 有礼貌得表达“请坐”的正确英文表述是(EF
  • A.Sit down.
  • B.Please sit down
  • C.Please sit.
  • D.Go and sit.
  • E.Take a seat, please.
  • F.Have a seat, please.
  1. 【多选题】 (2分) 以下选项中选出“resume”的正确读音是(AC
  • A. [ˈrɛzjʊmeɪ]
  • B. [rʌˈzjʊːm]
  • C. [rɪˈzjuːm]
  • D. [ˈrɛzjʊmɪː]
  • E. [rɪˈzjuː]
  • F. [rɛzjʊma]
  1. 【判断题】 (2分) “如有问题,就来找我”,正确英文表述应该是“If you have any question, please find me directly. ”(A
  • A.错
  • B.对