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Title: Landmark of China and Your Hometown


Topic: Where is your hometown? Can you name some famous landmark of China? What are the chracteristic of them? Please descibe them in English.

I come from Shanghai, a modern and vibrant city in eastern China. It has skyscrapers like the Oriental Pearl Tower and the Shanghai Tower, and historical buildings, museums, and cuisine.

Other famous landmarks of China are the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Army. The Great Wall is a long fortification to protect China from invaders. The Forbidden City is a palace complex for the emperors. The Terracotta Army is a collection of clay soldiers and horses for the first emperor.

These landmarks show China’s history, culture, and art. They are also symbols of China’s pride and identity. They attract many visitors every year.

Title: Random Thoughts of Films


Topic: Can you name some Chinese film stars that you like?Why do you like him or her? Please share your random thoughts of the film in English.

I like Jackie Chan and Gong Li, two Chinese film stars. Jackie Chan is a talented actor and martial artist who can do amazing stunts and make me laugh. Some of his films are Rush Hour and Drunken Master. Gong Li is a beautiful and expressive actress who can play different roles and convey complex emotions. Some of her films are Raise the Red Lantern and 2046.

Title: Chinese Greeting Manners


Topic: Can you name some Chinese traditional greeting manners?How to behave them correctly?Please share them in English.

Different greetings in China show different respect, formality and intimacy. Here are some common ones and how to use them.

  • Handshaking: Modern and formal. Firm but not strong, with smile and eye contact. Say “nĭ hăo” or “nín hăo” (hello).
  • Cupping hands: Traditional and reverent. Cup one’s own hands (left over right) and raise them slightly. Used for elders, superiors, teachers or religious figures. Bow slightly for more respect.
  • Nodding: Simple and friendly. Nod one’s head slightly and smile. Used for acquaintances, peers or subordinates. Say “hăo jiŭ bú jiàn” (long time no see) or “zuì jìn hăo ma?” (how are you recently?).
  • Hugging: New and intimate. Embrace someone with both arms and pat their back gently. Used for close friends, relatives or lovers. Say “hăo xiăng nĭ” (I miss you) or “hĕn gāo xìng jiàn dào nĭ” (I’m very happy to see you).

Choose the right greeting for the context, the relationship and the culture.

Title: Traditional Chinese Medicine


Topic: Traditional Chinese Medicine is an indispensable part of Chinese culture. It has made great contributions to the prosperity of China. Nowadays, both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine are being used to cure people all around the world. What your opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of these two kind of Medicine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a vital part of Chinese culture. It has helped China prosper for millennia. Today, both TCM and Western Medicine cure people worldwide. How do they compare?

TCM is an ancient system that balances the body’s qi with methods like acupuncture and herbs. It is holistic, natural, and preventive, but also unregulated, untested, and risky. Western Medicine is a modern system that uses drugs and surgery to treat diseases. It is precise, objective, and effective, but also reductionist, synthetic, and costly.

Both systems have pros and cons. They can work together to improve health care. Therefore, we should respect and combine them wisely.

Title: Campus Activities


Topic: Do you join any clubs in the college? Is that fun being a member of the club? What have you learned from the club? Please share a campus activity that has benefited you most in English.

I joined the debate club in college and I love it. It is fun and challenging to learn how to research, argue, and persuade. We also join competitions and events where we meet other debaters and exchange ideas.

The best activity for my English was the international debate tournament we hosted. I practiced my English skills and learned from debaters from different countries and cultures. I was impressed by their eloquence, logic, and confidence. I also learned new topics and perspectives.

The debate club has improved my English, critical thinking, and communication skills. It has also broadened my horizons and enriched my knowledge. I recommend anyone who likes debating to join the club.

Title: Learning Habits


Topic: In study, developing a good learning habit is better than spending all your time on it. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons.

In study, developing a good learning habit is better than spending all your time on it. I agree with this statement because a good learning habit can help me to improve my efficiency and effectiveness of learning. A good learning habit means having a clear goal, a suitable strategy, and a regular schedule for studying. It also means being motivated, focused, and self-reflective. With a good learning habit, I can plan my study time wisely and choose the best method for learning different subjects and topics. I can also balance my study time with other activities and avoid procrastination. I can overcome difficulties and challenges in learning with motivation and focus. I can evaluate my strengths and weaknesses and seek feedback and improvement with self-reflection. Therefore, a good learning habit is better than spending all your time on studying.

Title: Entertainment


Topic: Who is your idol and why do you like him or her so much?

Everyone has an idol that they admire and look up to. For me, my idol is Taylor Swift, the famous singer and songwriter. I like her so much because she is talented, kind and inspiring.

Taylor Swift started her music career when she was only 14 years old. She wrote her own songs and played the guitar. She has a beautiful voice and a unique style of music. She has won many awards and sold millions of albums. She is one of the most successful and popular artists in the world.

But Taylor Swift is not only a great musician, she is also a generous and compassionate person. She supports many charities and causes, such as education, children’s health, animal welfare and disaster relief. She often donates money and goods to people in need. She also interacts with her fans and shows them love and appreciation.

Taylor Swift is also an inspiring role model for me and many others. She teaches me to be brave, confident and optimistic. She faces challenges and criticisms with grace and dignity. She never gives up on her dreams and passions. She always tries to improve herself and learn new things. She encourages me to do the same.

Taylor Swift is my idol because she is talented, kind and inspiring. I admire her a lot and I hope to meet her someday. She makes me happy with her music and her personality. She is a true star in my eyes.

Title: Holidays


Topic: Can you pick one traditional Chinese holiday and one western holiday and compare the customs between the two?

Holidays are special days for different cultures. I will compare the Mid-Autumn Festival and Thanksgiving.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a Chinese harvest festival on the lunar month. People eat mooncakes and admire the moon. The moon means reunion.

Thanksgiving is a western harvest festival on November. People thank God for the past year and share a feast. People eat turkey, pumpkin pie and more.

Both holidays are harvest festivals that celebrate nature and family. They both involve eating and spending time with loved ones. But they also have different origins, meanings and customs. The Mid-Autumn Festival is based on the lunar calendar and has legends. It is related to the moon. Thanksgiving is based on the solar calendar and has history. It is related to gratitude.

Holidays are a way to enrich our lives and learn about other cultures. The Mid-Autumn Festival and Thanksgiving are two holidays that have similarities and differences.

Title: Sports


Topic: Can you name some sports events? Which sports event do you like most? Please share your ideas about the sports events with others.

Sports events are games that involve physical skills. There are many sports events, such as the Olympics, the World Cup, the NBA, and so on. They have different rules, participants, and fans.

I like the Olympics most because it is a global event with the best athletes from different countries and cultures. It is also a celebration of peace, friendship, and excellence. I enjoy watching various sports in the Olympics, such as swimming, gymnastics, basketball, and athletics. They inspire me to pursue my goals and dreams.

Sports events are good for people because they can promote health, happiness, and harmony. They can help people exercise, release stress, and have fun. They can also foster teamwork, cooperation, and respect among people. Sports events can bring people together and create a sense of belonging and pride.

Title: Sightseeing to England


Topic: If you can go sightseeing to England, do you prefer group tour or independent tour? Why? Please share it in English.

I prefer an independent tour to England for three reasons. First, I can choose my own itinerary, pace, and activities. I can explore the places that interest me the most. Second, I can save money and control my budget. I can compare different options and take advantage of discounts. Third, I can have more authentic and personal experiences in England. I can interact with the local people, learn about their culture, and make new friends. An independent tour offers more flexibility, freedom, cost-effectiveness, and authenticity. It is the best way to enjoy England.

Title: Shopping for Souvenirs


Topic: Nowadays, traveling in China is becoming more and more popular. What typical souvenirs would you recommend to foreign friends? Please share your suggestions.

China is a popular travel destination with a long history and a rich culture. Many souvenirs reflect its charm and diversity. I recommend three things to foreign friends: tea, silk, and chopsticks.

Tea is a famous product of China. It is good for health and mood. There are many types of tea and ways to brew it.

Silk is a traditional fabric of China. It is soft, smooth, and elegant. Silk can make various products, such as clothing, bedding, scarves, and bags.

Chopsticks are the main utensils for eating in China. They have a long history and culture. Chopsticks can be made of different materials and have different designs.

These are the three souvenirs I recommend from China. They are easy to carry and full of Chinese characteristics.

Title: Packing Luggage


Topic: If you are packing luggage for the travel to foreign countries, what will you pack? And why? Please share your plan in English.

When I pack luggage for the travel to foreign countries, I pack three things: passport and visa, camera and charger, and some local currency. These are essential for a good trip.

Passport and visa are the most important documents for traveling abroad. They let me enter the country and help me in case of trouble. I keep them safe and handy.

Camera and charger help me capture and share the moments of my travel. I love taking photos of the places, people, and things I see. They are like souvenirs that last forever. I bring them with me.

Some local currency is the money I need to pay for things in the country. Having some cash is convenient and useful. Sometimes, cash is the only way to pay. It also helps me avoid fees or bad rates. I exchange some money before I go.

These are the three things I pack for the travel to foreign countries. They make my trip more enjoyable and memorable.

Title:Innovation & Entrepreneurship


Topic:As the saying goes, you can do everything that you imagine, so what does innovation mean for you? Would you like to start your own business after graduation and how?

Innovation means creating something new and valuable that can solve a problem or meet a need. It is the ability to turn imagination into reality. For me, innovation is not only a skill, but also a mindset. It is the willingness to challenge the status quo, to explore new possibilities, and to learn from failures.

I would like to start my own business after graduation because I have a passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. I want to make a positive impact on the world with my ideas and solutions. I think starting a business is a great way to express myself, to grow as a person, and to contribute to society.

Title: Internship


Topic: Whether it is necessary to take part in an internship during your college time? Will you love the job and be devoted to it?

Internship is a way for college students to gain practical skills and knowledge in a field or industry. Some students may find internship helpful and enjoyable, while others may not. Internship has some advantages and disadvantages that students should consider before deciding.

Internship can help students learn from real-world situations, explore their career interests, and network with professionals and peers. Internship can also increase students’ chances of getting hired after graduation.

However, internship can also be time-consuming and stressful. Students may have to balance their studies, personal life, and internship duties. Internship can also be competitive and demanding. Moreover, some internships may not pay or support students well.

Therefore, internship is not necessary for all students. It depends on their goals, preferences, and circumstances.

Title: Job Hunting


Topic: Have you ever had a job interview? Sharing your ideas about the most impressive job interview you had and talking about what the most important thing is during a job Hunting?

I have never had a job interview myself, but I can imagine it can be a stressful and exciting experience. I think the most important thing during a job hunting is to be confident and prepared. Confidence can help you show your strengths and personality to the potential employer, and preparation can help you research the company, the role and the common questions that might be asked.

One of the most impressive job interviews I have heard of was from a friend of mine who applied for a software engineer position at a tech company. He had to solve several coding challenges on a whiteboard in front of a panel of interviewers, and then he had to explain his solutions and answer some technical questions. He said he was nervous at first, but he managed to impress them with his skills and knowledge. He got the job offer the next day.